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Corporate 2021-05-27
  • Dividend: The Board will propose a gross remuneration of €3.9 per share against 2020 results
  • Appointment: María Dolores Dancausa, proposed as new independent director

The Board of Directors of ACCIONA today announced that its Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on June 30th.

Similar to last year –in order to ensure the health and well-being of shareholders, employees and directors– the Board has decided to hold the AGM exclusively via digital channels. The company will provide shareholders with the necessary tools to participate and vote remotely through the company's website.

Among other matters, the Board will submit for shareholders’ approval the 2020 financial statements and the Sustainability Report for the year. ACCIONA closed 2020 with a net profit of €380 million (+8.1%).

The Board will also submit for approval the distribution of a gross dividend of €3.9 per share, to be paid on July 7, 2021.

In addition, the Board will propose the appointment of María Dolores Dancausa Treviño as independent director for the statutory term of three years. The Board will also propose the re-election for the same period of José Manuel Entrecanales Domecq (Chairman and CEO) and Juan Ignacio Entrecanales Franco (Vice-Chairman) as executive directors; Daniel Entrecanales Domecq and Javier Entrecanales Franco as proprietary directors; and Javier Sendagorta Gómez del Campillo, José María Pacheco Guardiola and Ana Saiz de Vicuña Bemberg as independent directors.

The appointment of Dancausa brings the number of company directors to twelve, four of whom will be women (María Dolores Dancausa, Ana Saiz de Vicuña, Sonia Dulá and Christiana Figueres), accounting for 33.33% of the total and placing the company within the most demanding parameters of good corporate governance.