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Water scarcity afflicts about half of the world's population and, driven by global warming, threatens to spread. 2,000 million people lack a clean water supply and 3.6 million do not have basic sanitation, causing 3.5 million deaths per year from diseases linked to water quality.

At ACCIONA, we work every day to alleviate this problem through our sustainable solutions at all stages of the water life cycle, and thus deliver on Sustainable Development Goal 6 "Clean water and sanitation".



We create sustainable treatment and reuse solutions to help ensure that the water is of the highest quality when it is returned to the environment and to achieve the best and most widespread use of the treated water.



We are specialists in the development and application of reverse osmosis technology to desalinate water, so tackling the problem of water scarcity. We cover the entire life cycle of the project: design, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the sea or brackish water treatment plant.

We have built more than 128 drinking water treatment plants with a total capacity of more of 7.8 million m³/day which supplies more than 41 million people.

We are present at all stages of the water cycle, making it fit for human consumption, supplying the population, purifying waste and industrial waters and applying water reuse technologies.

As leaders in the end-to-end water cycle, we focus on sustainable and innovative technologies to guarantee the water supply for agriculture and irrigation associations. In addition, the digitalisation of the agricultural sector allows us to progress towards more efficient, sustainable and inclusive systems, where the focus is on the quantity and quality of the irrigation water and the efficient use of fertilisers.

Water treatment aims to solve the problems of water scarcity and pollution and to ensure access to clean water worldwide. Find out what it is.

Learn more about water treatment