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Water 2015-04-23
  • It will employ almost 600 people in the commercial management of water for the North zone of the capital, Lima
  • It is the consortium’s second contract in the Peruvian capital, through which it will provide a global service to over 7 million residents

The EULEN-ACCIONA consortium, in which each company has a 50% stake, has been awarded one of the three commercial water management contracts in Lima, specifically for the North zone of the city. The service will be provided to more than 3 million people over3 years, employing almost 600 people in the process. The contract is for 112 million soles, i.e. around 31 million euros.

Apart from the size of the contract, its importance lies in the fact that it will contribute to achieving the strategic objectives of the Potable Water Service of Lima (Sedapal) Plan for 2013-2017. These are a key factor in the social development of the city, based on three basic pillars: 1) increase access to potable water and sewerage services, 2) reduce the flow of water that is not invoiced, and 3) improve the quality of the services.

ACCIONA y and EULEN will carry out, customer service, meter readings, invoice distribution, connection of new customers, inspections to avoid fraud, the programmed replacement meters and repairs to connections.

This is not the first joint venture between the two companies. In January 2015 they were awarded a contact – also at 50% each – for the maintenance of networks in Lima and the potable water and sewerage systems in the South zone, which covers eight districts in the city. This contract for 58 million soles (around 16 million euros) covers a service to around four million more people, meaning that the consortium will provide an overall service to around 7 million people in greater Lima, the fifth biggest city in Latin America with around 10 million inhabitants.

The consortium of the two companies was selected in a process that attracted the interest of the biggest local and international contractors in the sector.