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Corporate 2020-01-21
  • The '2020 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations' index ranked 7,400 companies according to 21 sustainability parameters
  • ACCIONA stands out for directly linking its business model to the EU’s environmentally sustainable economic practices, which focus heavily on climate change mitigation and adaptation

Corporate Knights, a media group specializing in world-renowned sustainability rankings, has included ACCIONA, for the third year in a row, as one of the 100 most sustainable companies on the planet. The announcement of the 2020 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations index was made today at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

This year’s ranking studied 7,400 corporations that reached turnovers of over US$1 billion. Corporate Knights analyzed the performance of these groups and rated them according to economic, environmental, social and governance indicators.

These indicators include the percentage of profits linked to the green economy, emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, the use of renewable energies, the use of sustainable suppliers, spending on innovation, tax contribution, workplace accident rates, and gender equality.

ACCIONA directly links its business model to the European Commission's classification of environmentally sustainable economic activities, which focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation: 69% of ACCIONA's sales figures, 92% of its EBITDA and 99% of its CAPEX result from the company’s sustainable activities.

Almost half of the 100 companies on the Corporate Knights index are of European origin (49), 29 are from the US and Canada, and 18 from Asia. Only three listed corporations are from Latin America, all three being from Brazil, and only one African firm is represented. This year, the index includes 28 companies that were not featured last year.

Being part of the 2020 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations is yet another demonstration of ACCIONA’s commitment to sustainable management, and follows other mentions in global rankings such as the FTSE4Good, CDP Climate & Water A List, MSCI ESG, among others.