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Energy 2023-02-07
  • 55,000MWh/year: The ten-year contract will prevent the emission of over 10,000 tons of CO2 per year

ACCIONA Energía and Grupo Violas, one of the premier Portuguese business groups with investments in various industries such as textiles, tourism, education, real estate, beverages, and logistics, have signed an agreement for the supply of 100% renewable energy for the next ten years in Portugal.  

Under this agreement, ACCIONA Energía will supply more than 55,000MWh/year of renewable electricity to the Group’s subsidiaries, including Solverde, Clip, and Cotesi, the world´s leading producer of Baler Twine.

The source of the energy will be certified through the issuance of certificates of 100% Renewable Guarantees of Origin by the EEGO (Entidade Emissora de Garantias de Origem) platform of Portugal’s electricity group REN (Rede Elétrica Nacional). Thanks to this deal, the Group will avoid the emission of over 10,000 tons of CO2 per year, which is equivalent to planting 18,000 trees or removing 4,000 vehicles from circulation.

“This deal is part of our commitment to sustainability and the decarbonization of our activity. Our subsidiaries are already implementing a wide range of programs to reduce their activity’s ecological footprint, such as Cotesi’s internal system to reintroduce the 100% of production waste into new products, and its R&D initiatives to reduce the use of plastic”, said Manuel Violas, President of Grupo Violas. “This is another step towards our climate goals. The use of clean electricity will reduce our dependency on natural gas, while ensuring competitive energy prices for the next ten years.”

Alexandre Kisslinger, Director of ACCIONA Energía in Portugal, explains: "This long-term contract brings competitive advantages for our customer, as it provides price stability at a time when the market is very volatile and makes a significant contribution to their climate objectives.”

In addition to the commercialization of clean energy, ACCIONA Energía has 166MW of renewable generation assets in Portugal, including wind and solar installations. The company’s portfolio in Portugal includes 16 wind farms, as well as one of the largest photovoltaic plants in the Iberian Peninsula, the 46MWp Amareleja Solar Power Plant.

ACCIONA Energía’s new contract with Grupo Violas follows other agreements with leading clients in Portugal such as Fnac, Makro, NH Hotels, Siemens, or Vidrala, among others, and it strengthens the company’s portfolio of international corporate clients.