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Energy 2024-06-06
  • Remuneration.The assembly approved a dividend payout of €0.48 per share

“At ACCIONA Energía, we are committed to long-term sustainable growth while preserving our financial strength,” said Rafael Mateo, CEO of ACCIONA Energía, at its Annual General Meeting today.

In his speech, Mateo assured that, during the 2023 financial year, ACCIONA Energía was able to successfully navigate the global clean electricity market conditions – an uncertain geopolitical environment, downward price normalization, changing regulatory frameworks in several countries and rising capital costs – and is better adapted to the sector's current situation this year.

"The company's potential and fundamental value are robust. Our operating assets cannot be replicated and will prove vital to meet the huge demand for electricity linked to carbon neutrality and the digital revolution,” said ACCIONA Energía's CEO.

In addition, Mateo explained that the price of electricity futures is starting to recover, that markets anticipate a drop in interest rates and that analysts expect a rebound in electricity demand in the medium term due to factors such as the electrification of transport, industry, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and green hydrogen.

“In this context, we see a great opportunity to create value as developers of new assets, from their earliest stage to their final operation, backed by more than 30 years of experience and global reach,” he added.

In this regard, Mateo pointed out that the company achieved extraordinary growth last year, installing 1.7GW of new capacity, “a figure that is three times the average growth of recent years.”

Last year ACCIONA Energía expanded its investments in India and Canada, started up its first wind farm in Peru, began construction of a biomass plant in Logrosán (Cáceres, Spain), completed the first renewables hybridization project in Spain, made decisive progress in the construction of MacIntyre, the largest wind power complex in Australia (1GW), and began the operation of more than 1GW of photovoltaic power in the US.

Mateo indicated that in 2024 the company will remain committed to long-term sustainable growth, with a pace of megawatt installation similar to that of 2023, and identified Australia, Southeast Asia, South Africa and the Dominican Republic as growth markets.

Moreover, ACCIONA Energía's CEO highlighted the company's expansion into new business activities, such as the commercialization of clean electricity for SMEs in Spain and Portugal, where it already has 23,000 contracts, and the development of the Energy Services unit, which offers energy efficiency products, energy saving certificates, electric vehicle charging and energy self-supply solutions for SMEs and individuals. In its energy efficiency unit, the company manages more than 6,000 installations for customers in several countries and its electric car charging service has 50,000 users in Spain.

Mateo explained that these new lines of business, based on digitalization, seek to “sell energy more as a service than as a product, capturing more value, building customer loyalty and reinforcing our differentiation.”




“We depend on our operating asset base to keep investing and contributing to the cause of climate action,” said Rafael Mateo in another part of his speech. “It is therefore essential for them to be backed by regulations and accompanied by electrification and the development of the necessary infrastructure to avoid further market distortions, such as curtailment or energy cannibalism, which are the products of inadequate planning.”

“Those who see the energy transition as a race for the largest generation volume are mistaken,” added Rafael Mateo, pointing out that “the addition of new renewable generation should only take place if it comes with the promotion and adaptation of demand for greater electrification.”

"To favor both supply and demand, a methodical and early planning of grid infrastructure is equally important, preventing bottlenecks. Without transmission there is no transition,” he concluded.

ACCIONA Energía ended 2023 with revenues of €3.55 billion, EBITDA of €1.29 billion and a net attributable profit of €524 million.

The Annual General Meeting approved a dividend payout of €0.48 per share.