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Transport 2023-06-15
  • Communication: The second section of Line 5, 2.8 kilometers long, will connect the neighborhoods of Aperribai and Galdakao and has an €88.1 million budget

A joint venture in which ACCIONA participates has been selected by ETS Euskal Trenbide Sarea (Basque Railway Network) to build the second section of Line 5 of the Bilbao Metropolitan Railway between Aperribai and Galdakao, with an extension of 2.8 kilometers.

The works will include the platform and track superstructure of that section, the Bengoetxe and Galdakao stations, and the Olabarrieta and Abusu ventilation and emergency galleries. The project has an awarded budget of €88.1 million and a completion period of 48 months. 

The joint venture in charge of the section is equally formed by ACCIONA, Sacyr, Altuna y Uria, and Bycam, and has been chosen among five consortiums to execute the project due to its extensive experience in the execution of railway tunnels, which is the greatest technical hurdle of the project.   

It is expected that the machines will start drilling next September and thus begin the construction of the three sections of line 5, one of the most important projects pending execution in the region. The commitment of the institutions promoting the route (the Basque government and the provincial council) is that the trains will reach the center of Galdakao in 2027.



ACCIONA has outstanding technical credentials and extensive experience in the development of urban mobility solutions. Regarding railroads and metro lines, the company has built more than 3,000 kilometers of track, of which 1,200 kilometers are high-speed lines. 

The company also has extensive experience in subway construction, with more than 600 kilometers of tunnels completed. For example, the Follo Line railway tunnels (Norway), or the award-winning Legacy Way tunnels in Brisbane (Australia). 

ACCIONA has participated or participates in the construction of subway lines in cities around the world such as Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, San Sebastián, Málaga, Seville, Valencia, Quito, Sao Paulo, Medellin, Hong Kong, Lisbon and Dubai.