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Transport 2021-04-07
  • ACCIONA’s Airport Services division is taking part in IATA’s Ground Operations Standards (GOS) Task Force

ACCIONA’s Airport Services division is taking part in IATA’s Ground Operations Standards (GOS) Task Force this year to ensure ground operations resume safely as the air travel recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic. The GOS plays an important role in creating standards for the ground operations industry. 

ACCIONA is committed to working with other IATA members to ensure that ground handling standards and procedures continue to meet the highest health and safety standards in the present COVID-19 crisis, as well as preparing the industry for a post-pandemic world.

The goal of the IATA ground operations task force is to achieve a safe, simplified and efficient return to normal operations. The task force will propose measures to simplify ramp operations, reduce injury and accidents, and achieve efficiencies via automation and digitization. It will also study the implementation of common standards, and consider initiatives to reduce waste and carbon emissions in ground handling operations, including the use of clean energy and electric vehicles.