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Water 2024-10-24
  • ​The congress will feature a range of lectures, workshops and technical visits with the aim of enabling contacts between young professionals in the water sector.

ACCIONA is sponsoring the 4th IWA-YWP Spain National Conference, to be held in Bilbao from 29-31 October.

The main objective of the conference - organised by the Young Water Professionals (YWP) Spain network together with the Spanish Association of Urban Water Management Companies (AGA-AEAS), the CABB water classroom of the Bilbao School of Engineering (UPV/EHU) and the Bilbao Bizkaia Water Board (CABB) - is to foster exchanges of experiences and knowledge among young water sector professionals through networking and their personal and professional promotion.

During the two days of the congress, ACCIONA will offer a number of presentations such as "Selection of bioindicators of biofouling in seawater reverse osmosis desalination processes using metagenomics", by Núria Zamorano López, project manager of the desalination area of the company's Innovation department, and a micro-presentation on "CFD-ASM modelling of a full-scale carrousel reactor: hydrodynamic behaviour and an analysis of oxygen distribution", presented by Carla Vázquez, an engineer in the company's Innovation in Purification department.

Daniel Garcia Huertas, innovation project manager in the area of desalinitation and new technologies in Acciona, will also give a micro-presentation titled "Evaluation of submerged ceramic membranes as seawater pretreatment in RO", and Miriam Carolina Pérez Cova, innovation project manager in the area of drinking water treatment and water chemistry, will give a micro-presentation on "An integrated solution to eliminate emerging contaminants from water treatment systems (LIFE PRISTINE)". Finally, Virginia Cabrillo, head of civil engineering of the water business, will present a poster titled "Transforming Muskiz: Resolving the space constraints and the phased implementation of the extension and modernisation of the WWTP".

As well as these talks and round tables, conference attendees will be able to attend other workshops and undertake technical visits.

To see the full programme of the congress, please click here.