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Transport 2020-11-18
  • This proprietary system consists of long-range sensors and artificial vision software, which seeks to improve the safety of highway maintenance and conservation workers.

ACCIONA took part at Innovacarretera 2020, organised by the Spanish Road Technology Platform (PTC) on 11 and 12 November.

During the event, which was held virtually, the company presented its Vehicle Range Detection System (SDA), developed by ACCIONA’s infrastructure maintenance area.

The goal of ACCIONA’s SDA is to improve the safety of workers involved in highway maintenance and conservation operations, especially in the event of lane closures, which is a priority for the company.

This system, which was a finalist at this year’s edition of the ACEX National Award for Maintenance Safety, consists of a series of long-range sensors and artificial vision software with machine learning that detects real high risk situations, warning workers sufficiently in advance so they can act before a close range situation arises.

Find out more about ACCIONA’s Vehicle Range Detection System in this video: