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Cities 2020-12-09
  • The goal of this project is to create nearly-zero energy buildings (nZEB) with the necessary conditions for indoor environmental quality.
  • ACCIONA is coordinating the renovation of four residential buildings in various European cities with different construction characteristics and climate conditions.

ACCIONA and its partners on the European ReCOS2ST innovation project, financed by the EU’s Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation, have begun the second phase of the energy renovation of the demonstration building in Cádiz.

The goal of the ReCOS2ST project is to create nearly-zero energy buildings (nZEB) with the necessary conditions for indoor environmental quality.

ACCIONA, through its engineering area, is responsible for coordinating the renovation of four residential buildings in various European cities with different construction characteristics and climate conditions, in London (UK), Vevey (Switzerland), Cádiz (Spain) and Frederikshavn (Denmark).

The work in Cádiz consists of renovating a block of 28 apartments to adapt it to the latest technologies, such as techniques that combine ventilated roofs and facades, the micronization of water droplets to improve the building’s cooling systems, the use of ventilation strategies inside the building, the improvement of air conditioning systems and thermal comfort controls for users. The project also contemplates pioneering improvements in heat insulation.

The building’s current consumption is 43.3 kWh/m2a with a target consumption at the end of the project of a minimum of <5 kWh/m2a. This will enable a 98% annual saving to be achieved. Training courses on energy management for future tenants of the apartments are also being contemplated to ensure that they make the most of the building’s possibilities.

Thanks to this work, a total of 28 apartments with nearly-zero energy consumption will be available for social housing.