• This certification accredits good practices in the management of information and the use of BIM in the company’s construction, infrastructure and industrial projects.

ACCIONA’s Construction Division and its Engineering Area have obtained AENOR BIM2 certification under the international ISO19650-1 and 2 standard, accrediting its good practices in the management of information and the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) in its construction projects.

This certification, granted after satisfactorily passing the evaluation made on the basis of AENOR’s regulations, represents a quality leap forward for the company in the processes of managing information in its projects, and also represents a challenge in terms of maintaining this level of performance over the next few years.

During the certification process it was seen that in ACCIONA’s international projects – such as Line 6 of the São Paulo Metro (Brazil), the E6 Ranheim-Værnes road (Norway) or the Port of Avilés in Spain – these management standards were complied with. 

As a result, AENOR vouches that ACCIONA has implemented the policies, procedures, processes and technological tools required to ensure that it has carried out the digital transformation to allows it to work in construction projects using the BIM methodology.

The award of this certification shows ACCIONA’s clear commitment to innovation and the use of information models for the optimal management of projects, enabling improvements to the company’s processes and activities.