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ACCIONA is awarded 400 kilometers of power transmission lines in Peru

Transport27 Jun 2024

The projects will benefit more than one million residents of the Ica and Arequipa

ACCIONA to build the first runway at the Dominican Republic’s new International Airport

It will be the country’s ninth international airport and will serve the tourist area of Cabo Rojo...

Hornillos de Cerrato (Spain) receives the EOLO 2024 award for the rural integration of wind energy

Energy14 Jun 2024

The municipality of Hornillos de Cerrato in Palencia (Spain) has been awarded the EOLO Prize

“ACCIONA Energía is committed to long-term growth, preserving financial strength”

Energy6 Jun 2024

ACCIONA Energia has held today its General Shareholders' Meeting

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ACCIONA recognised for its commitment to female talent

Social27 Jun 2024
ACCIONA has teamed up with the City Council of Avilés in this programme to empower and improve the j...

ACCIONA sponsors the ENERMAR 2024 Technical Conference

Transport25 Jun 2024
The conference will be held at the Paraninfo del Rectorado auditorium of the University of A Coruña ...

ACCIONA, in the Singapore International Water Week

Water14 Jun 2024
The congress focuses on innovation and the search for solutions

A personal take on our projects

Tapping into the sea’s potential to provide islands with sustainable drinking water

Islands rank among the regions hit hardest by climate change and water stress. However, as evidenced by the success story of the Canary Islands, desalination technologies offer a promising solution to mitigate the drinking water shortage.

A personal take on our projects

How 23 wind turbines conquered their epic Peruvian desert journey

Transporting the San Juan de Marcona wind farm components from the Peruvian port of Paracas to its site 150 miles south in the province of Nazca has been a veritable logistical feat. Read on to learn how we did it.

A personal take on our projects

Solar-powered irrigation: a new partnership between farming and the Sun

ACCIONA Energía has installed the world’s biggest irrigation system to be powered by a solar plant without batteries in Montesusin (Aragon, Spain).

The latest on sustainability

From hunting sharks to protecting them: how a project is saving species in Baja California

Shark fishing has devastating ecological consequences. Discover, below, how the ORGCAS project is ending the practice - with fantastic returns for local economies

The latest on sustainability

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2024: Our Legacy and Our Future

What kind of land will we leave for future generations? The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought urges us to reflect on land degradation and its social and environmental impacts.

The latest on sustainability

World Oceans Day 2024: awakening new depths

World Oceans Day is being celebrated on 8 June with the aim of raising awareness of the importance marine environments have on our lives.

The latest on innovation

Concrete Breakthrough: Sustainable Material Turns Homes into Batteries

MIT develops a new type of sustainable concrete that acts as a supercapacitor for storing renewable energy.

The latest on innovation

Iceland Pioneers the World's Largest Carbon Sequestration Effort

Alongside the move away from fossil fuels, initiatives like this plant dedicated to carbon sequestration using renewable energy are emerging.

The latest on innovation

Transforming Agricultural Waste into Green Hydrogen

The combination of solar energy and organic waste could make it possible to produce green hydrogen at a very low cost, according to a study by the University of Illinois at Chicago.


What Underpins a Positive Organisational Culture?

This article will explore how inclusion and a positive organisational culture can transform a company, leading its employees to reach their full potential and contributing to the overall success of the organisation. What will you read about in this article? Positive Organisational Culture vs. Negative Organisational Culture Inclusion, a Key Piece in Positive Organisational Culture... View Article

Transparency, respect, pride… What are the values that build a positive organisational culture, and what impact do they have on businesses?


The art of inspiring and motivating through communication

Human communication is much more than an exchange of words. It’s about building bridges between people so as to understand our thoughts and emotions. The German philosopher Martin Heidegger maintained that “language is the house of the truth of being“. Every term, every sentence we verbalise contains a host of conscious and unconscious nuances as... View Article

Supervising, evaluating, guiding are all part of a leader’s job, but how he uses each word matters in promoting effective communication and striking the balance between correctness and inspiration.


Aesthetics of workspaces as a source of inspiration

Beauty is a quality that attracts us and delights our senses. Whether it is a dazzling landscape, the expressive face of a person or the delicate shape of a ceramic plate, beauty manifests itself in many forms. Coming from the Greek “Kalia” (beautiful), the concept of beauty implies an inner order that is pleasing to... View Article

We reflect on how a visually stimulating environment can boost creativity and efficiency within your company.

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