Two billion people lack basic sanitation services and more than 80% of the waste water used by humans is discharged into rivers and seas without being treated, leading to pollution that threatens people and biodiversity. That is why solutions for treating water before it is returned to the natural environment are an essential contribution to the sustainable and efficient use of this basic life resource. These processes ensure the environmental impact of waste water is kept to a minimum and facilitate its subsequent reuse.
The company is constantly researching technological developments for the reuse of waste water—one example being biological membrane reactors—so as to allow for a more extensive and sustainable use of purified water.
In this way, ACCIONA researches innovative technological solutions in the area of water reuse to optimise tertiary treatment processes and deliver solutions for the burgeoning demand for water for agricultural uses, urban irrigation, recreational activities, replenishing aquifers and protecting them from saline intrusion.
The company has managed to increase the consumption of recycled and reused water and rainwater to up to 55% of the total water used in its facilities, based on the principles of the circular economy. Most of this water-reuse comes from water use projects in water treatment plants.
Although 2.1 billion people have, since 1990, gained improved access to better water and sanitation services, the decreasing availability of quality drinking water is an important problem afflicting all continents. It is estimated that at least 1 out of every 4 people will be affected by water scarcity by 2050.
Much farmland is suffering from the effects of climate change: drought, flooding, temperature changes… Climate-smart agriculture has some of the solutions for fighting the problem.