Nuestra fundación: Iniciativas que apoyamos Nuestra estrategia Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Emergencia climática Desarrollo social Índices de sostenibilidad Alianzas para el Desarrollo Sostenible Centros de innovación Innovación abierta y colaborativa Digital hub Proyectos de innovación Ofertas de empleo Programa de graduados y becas Diversidad, equidad e inclusión Seguridad, salud y bienestar Formación Energía Transporte Agua Sociales Ciudades Inmobiliaria Financieras Informe anual integrado Cuentas anuales Informes de resultados y presentaciones Período medio de pago a proveedores Rating Precio de la acción Dividendos Opinión de analistas Agenda del inversor Junta General de Accionistas Consejo de Administración y Comisiones Equipo de Dirección Información accionarial Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo Remuneración de los Consejeros Normas de gobierno y cumplimiento Acuerdo marco de relaciones Comunicados a la CNMV Financiación sostenible

Ever since we first began operations in Spain in 1994, we have been committed to growth based on the service quality, safety and innovation of our handling processes.


Through our network, we provide services designed and tailored to the individual needs of airlines. We are independent from the airports in which we operate and from the predominant airlines within them. This gives us a high degree of flexibility so that we can adapt to the needs of any airline and focus primarily on the specific needs of customers.

We are one of the main independent handling operators in Spain, Germany, Chile and Dominican Republic.

Cutting-edge innovative solutions
We have an eye for detail
We adapt to you

Within our network of airports, ACCIONA provides passenger handling, operations, ramp and freight services, as well as other services that are not carried out on the airport facilities but are nevertheless seen as an extension of its activities.

  • Passenger Services
  • Ramp handling
  • Air Cargo handling
  • Executive and corporate aviation
  • Aircraftin Cleaning
  • Other services
Discover all the details of our airport handling services
Ramp Handling Passenger Services Air Cargo Handling Executive and Corporate Aviation Aircraft Cleaning Other services Loading and unloading Checkin and boarding Cargo terminal Handling state flight Water and toilet services Airbridges Towing (moving of aircraft) PMR Cargo management General aviation Cabin cleaning Bus transportation Passenger/crew transport Lost and Found Special load handling Events Handling at non airport facilities Baggage hall Um’s Baggage transport Hospitality Load control Load control Airbridges De-icing