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ACCIONA is a major player in the wind energy sector, designing sustainable solutions across the entire value chain. Our activities range from the evaluation of resources, development of facilities, financial analysis and construction to the operation and maintenance of wind farms and energy marketing.


We believe in the power of wind to ensure a more sustainable future. That is why we have wind farms on five continents that generate approximately 80% of our renewable production to fight global warming.


We have also developed proprietary wind turbine technology through ACCIONA Windpower, which in 2016 joined the German company Nordex, in which the ACCIONA group is a reference shareholder.


ACCIONA’s wind power activity is channeled through its subsidiary ACCIONA Energía

Wind power Photovoltaic solar Hydropower Thermal solar Biomass Energy storage Renewable energy supply Energy efficiency Self-consumption Green hydrogen Electric mobility
See all wind power projects

We are leaders in the development, construction, operation and maintenance of wind farms, with almost 30 years’ experience in the sector.


Wind power is a clean, inexhaustible and competitive source of renewable energy that discourages the use of fossil fuels, the source of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

Learn more about Wind energy

Join the tour and discover step by step how a wind farm is built. Check out the video and picture gallery full of fascinating revelations about such a project, in this case Celada Fusion wind farm, helping us move the world without harming the planet.

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ACCIONA Energía put the first commercial wind farms into service in Spain almost 30 years ago. The experience obtained since then has made the company one of the most trusted in the sector.

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