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Energy services

To combat the climate emergency and achieve a low-carbon world, it is essential that energy is managed optimally, as a solid foundation on which our way of generating value must be based.


We design and invest in solutions both to reduce energy consumption and optimise our customers’ production processes, as well as to incorporate self-consumption systems that reduce their energy bills and shrink their carbon footprint.


We offer tailor-made solutions for each customer, ranging from the analysis of production processes to lighting, air conditioning, the digitisation of energy management and fleet management.


We also undertake projects to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. We offer Homeowners’ Associations a comprehensive proposal, which includes not only the renovation of façades or roofs, but also the improvement of all communal energy installations, without any surcharges or bank debt.



More information about our energy efficiency solution is available on the ACCIONA Energía website.

Wind power Photovoltaic solar Hydropower Thermal solar Biomass Energy storage Renewable energy supply Energy efficiency Self-consumption Green hydrogen Electric mobility

ACCIONA Energy operates globally, in both the public and private sectors, guaranteeing energy savings and maximising self-production.


Get to know more at acciona-energia.com

The more energy we save, the less CO2 we emit. Energy efficiency is one of the keys to tackling climate change.

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