The ACCIONA Policy Book has been updated in line with our Sustainability Master Plan 2025 (SMP 2025).
In April 2018, the Sustainability Committee of the ACCIONA Board of Directors approved the new Policy Book, which includes revisions of existing policies and new ones.
This consolidated document, a key part of the Company's mission, vision and values, sets out its in economic, social, environmental and good governance matters in the following sections:
Sustainability and Innovation
The Economic Sphere and Good Governance
The Social Sphere
The Environmental Sphere
- General Communication
Board of Directors Composition
Director Remuneration
Personal Data Protection
At ACCIONA, sustainability and innovation are at the core of differentiation and drive change.
We know that competitiveness, globalization and sustainable development go hand in hand with innovation. As such, ACCIONA is committed to striving continuously, allocating sufficient resources, and promoting open innovation, to incorporate a wealth of cutting-edge solutions in our portfolio. Our goal is to identify technological and business solutions that create value and strengthen our business.
This sustainability commitment is reflected in our policies, which are in line with the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. These policies demonstrate our engagement with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ACCIONA has had a Sustainability Committee within its Board of Directors since 2009.
ACCIONA pursues business profitability in an ethical and responsible way, maintaining excellence from two perspectives: externally, creating products with high added value and meeting clients' needs, and; internally, by incorporating excellence into our management model.
We openly support and respect the fundamental tenets of the fight against corruption as laid down in the United Nations Convention against Corruption through our commitment to working against corruption in all its forms. We accurately pinpoint acceptable risk levels, so those in charge of the different business lines can maximize the Company's profitability, maintain or increase its assets, and prevent uncertain events from negatively influencing the achievement of our targets.
The Ethical Channel is the internal information system that ACCIONA makes available so that anyone can report any possible irregularities, breaches or behaviors produced within the framework of ACCIONA's activities and contrary to the current legal framework, the Code of Conduct and/or the ethical values of the Group.
Our commitment to people, inside and outside of ACCIONA, must be exemplary. We embrace, among others, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the ILO Conventions, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the United Nations' Global Compact, as basic guidelines for conduct. We work to ensure a healthy working environment, free from discrimination, using a long-term vision to attract and foster talent.
Social action is engrained in the Company's strategy, a key part of the strategic lines of action we have established through medium-term and long-term, sustainable projects, in the locations where ACCIONA operates.
ACCIONA's environmental strategy is structured around a commitment to the environment, whether that’s fighting climate change, biodiversity conservation, responsible use of natural heritage and resources, or the transition to a low-carbon business model. These are all important elements of our ethical commitment, and absolutely necessary for global sustainability.
*Disclaimer: These are translations of a duly approved Spanish-language document, and are provided for informational purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between the text of these translations and the text of the original Spanish-language document which this translation is intended to report, the text of the original Spanish-language shall prevail.