Our foundation: acciona.org Initiatives we support Our strategy Sustainable Development Goals Climate emergency Social development Sustainability indices Sustainable Development Alliances Technology and innovation centres Open and collaborative innovation Digital hub Innovation projects Job offers Graduates and internships Diversity, equity and inclusion Safety, health and well-being Training Selection process Energy Transport Water Social Cities Real Estate Financial Integrated annual reports Annual accounts Results, reports & presentations Average period of payment to suppliers Ratings Share price Dividends Analyst opinions Investor calendar General Shareholders' Meeting Board of Directors and Committees Management team Share capital Annual Corporate Governance Report Director remuneration Governance rules and compliance Framework Agreement CNMV Communications Sustainable finance

We set out the values that guide the conduct of our staff in all our solutions, as well as the behaviour of the third parties with whom we interact, based on a respect for our values: honesty, excellence, sustainability, financial soundness, innovation and care for people.


Our policies define the operating standards and principles the Company applies to all economic, social, environmental and good governance matters.


The Board of Directors of ACCIONA, S.A. approved the following consolidated text constituting the "Internal Code of Conduct of ACCIONA, S.A. and its Group of companies in connection with the securities markets", which has been duly updated and is binding upon the persons in the organization to whom it is applicable.


The obligation to comply with this Internal Code of Conduct shall be interpreted without prejudice to the requirement to comply with all other legislation.

Internal Code of Conduct

In compliance with the provisions of article 512 of Legislative Royal Decree 1/2010, of 2 July 2010, which approves the revised text of the Act on Corporations, the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of ACCIONA, S.A. approved these Regulations, which systemize and implement the rules of operation of this body.




Shareholders´ Meeting Regulation

The purpose of these Regulations (the "Regulations") is to establish the principles of action of the Board of Directors of Acciona, S.A., the organization and functioning of the Board of Directors, and the rules of conduct of its members. It seeks to achieve the highest level of transparency, efficiency and correctness in the corporate governance of ACCIONA.


Board of Directors' Regulations

Bylaws are the most important legal document of any organization, since they outline its structure, establish and protect its rights, and specify the responsibilities and duties of the organization's members.


Consult the Corporate bylaws

ACCIONA is making sustainability, ethics and quality a must for all the suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors in our supply chain.

Discover our sustainable supply chain