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In compliance with the provisions of Article 512 of Capital Companies Act 1/2010, dated 2 July, and in accordance with the the new Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the Shareholders´ Meeting of Acciona, S.A. has approved this Regulation, which systemises and implements the rules governing the functioning of the Shareholders´ Meeting. This Regulation was drafted having regard to the law and Bylaws and the recommendations of new Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, as well as listed companies' best practices and the Company´s own experience.



Article 1. Objective

  1. The objective of this Regulation (the "Regulation") is to establish:

    • The rules governing the constitution and functioning of the General Meeting as a body of the company Acciona, S.A. ("Acciona" or the "Company");
    • The rules governing the exercise of shareholders' political rights, including the rights to be informed and to attend, intervene and vote and their other legal rights in relation to the General Meeting.
  2. The Regulation's mission is to achieve the effective participation of as many shareholders as possible in the General Meeting by providing the necessary information and an adequate structure for the transaction of business. If Acciona decides at any time to pay a bonus for attending the General Meeting, it must first establish a stable general policy.
  3. By adopting the Regulation, the Company:
    • Complies with the duty imposed by the Capital Companies Act and related provisions of current law;
    • Incorporates and elaborates upon the legal mandates on corporate governance to which Acciona is subject as a listed company; and,
    • Assumes the principles and recommendations on corporate governance, as adapted to Acciona's ownership structure.




* This is translation of a duly approved Spanish-language document, and is provided for informational purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between the text of this translation and the text of the original Spanish-language document which this translation is intended to report, the text of the original Spanish-language shall prevail. 



Shareholders´ Meeting Regulation