The Atotonilco WWTP has a nominal average treatment capacity of 35m3 per second and a maximum treatment capacity of 50m3 per second, including the final disposal of all solid waste and sludge generated. The plant is also be equipped with a cogeneration system to take advantage of the biogas produced in the digester for maximum energy saving.
The plant was designed for a maximum flow rate of 50 m3 per second during the rainy season, with its average flow rate of 42 m3 per second during the rainy season, and for 35 m3 per second during the low flow season, representing an average flow rate of 3,628,800 m3 per day and 3,024,000 m3 per day during each of the stated periods. It can treat wastewater from a population equivalent to 12,600,000 of Mexico City's inhabitants.
The plant was designed with two treatment lines in order to be able to treat water during both the low flow and rainy seasons. It has a physico-chemical treatment line for treating an average flow rate of 14.4 m3 per second during the rainy season and a conventional biological treatment line for treating an average flow rate of 27.6 m3 per second.
General Information
- Location: Atotonilco, Hidalgo (Mexico)
- Capacity: 35 m3 per second and a maximum treatment capacity of 50 m3 per second
- Type of contract: D&C and O&M
- Equivalent population: Over 10.5 million people
Social Initiatives
These improvement initiatives have been called "Value Engineering", which pursue the social benefit of the surrounding population.
The social benefits realised are:
- Improvement of the social welfare of vulnerable groups through the following initiatives:
- Delivery of sludge produced at the WWTP to farmers so that they can fertilise their fields.
- Donation of desks, trafitambos, PET, among others, to primary schools in the communities affected by the project. - Protection and restoration of places of cultural interest, such as the castle of San Antonio.
- Improvement of infrastructures by preventing the circulation of 20,000-litre tanker trucks (pipes in Mexico) loaded with Cl3Fe through the streets of the urban centres near the WWTP, with the construction of a subway.
- Fragmentation and hauling of stone inside the kindergarten and improvement of the facilities.
- Topographical survey of the civic square.
- Laying of tiles, painting and restoration of lighting in the secondary school computer room, El Salto.
- Construction of multi-purpose hall.
- Ripping works, land clearing, use of streets and drainage works.
- Restoration of a school computer room and remodelling of the garden.
- Training of employees through the preparation and presentation of 8 workers to take the exam to accredit higher secondary education.
- Health promotion through eye care days.
- Protection/restoration of places of natural interest for the community (environment), through the planting, donation and reforestation of trees.
- Participation in environmental fairs.