The contract is about renovate the biological treatment into an bio filter hybrid with fix biomass in a mobile support.
This contract is under the Water Quality National Plan development in the Alcalá Oeste WWTP.
The plant had a capacity of 74,818 m3/d for a population of 374,090 inhabitants. With the new legislation, the plant needs to adapt its capacity to 59,000 m3/d, which means a population of 280,250 inhabitants. Moreover, four biological reactor lines, with a total volume of 15,547 m3 will be renovate for an MBBR Hybrid Reactor - Active Sludge.
General Information
- Client: Canal de Isabel II
- Location: Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
- Population: 374,090 inhabitants
- Capacity: 74.818 m3/d
Key points
The actions to be carry out affects the following facilities:
- Treatment lines performance
- Water Lines
- Modifications in the biological reactor, with Hybrid bio filter. Turbo-Blowers and bio filters diffusors.
- Sludge Lines ( extension): Sludge internal Recirculation, reagents: ferric chloride and methanol
- New instrumentation equipment facilities.
- New electric equipment facilities.