General Information
- Customer: Diputación de Jaén (Regional Jaén Council).
- Municipalities supplied: Andújar, Marmolejo, Vva. Reina, Bailén, Baños, Mengíbar, Villatorres, Jabalquinto, Cazalilla, Zocueca, Baeza, Ibrós, Lupión, Torreblascopedro, Rus, Canena, Úbeda, S. Tomé, Torreperogil, Sabiote, Begijar, Vva. Arzobispo, Vilacarrillo, Iznatoraf, Cazorla, Quesada, Peal Becerro, Iruela, Arjona, Mancha Real, Porcuna, Castellar, Chiclana, Montizón, Sorihuela, Navas, Santiesteban.
- Average volume distributed: 31,700 m3/d.
Services included:
- Maintenance of Networks:
- Supply (km): 259.
- Distribution (km): 659.
- Drainage (km): 556.
- Meter reading.
- Search for leaks.
- Quality control of water.
- Emergency service.
- Master investment plan.
- Remote control and GIS system.
Zocueca drinking water Treatment Plant (Rumblar Consortium)
Desigh flowa | 250 two lines |
Pre-treatment | Pre-ozonization |
Physical-chemical treatment | Coagulation and flocculation |
Clarification | 2 type clariflocculator |
Filtration | 4 per sand bed |
Disinfection | Chlorination |
Las Copas Drinking Water Treatment Plant (La Loma Consortium)
Desigh flow (l/s) | 250 two lines |
Pre-treatment | Pre-ozonization |
Physical-chemical treatment | Coagulation and flocculation |
Clarification | 2 type clariflocculator |
Filtration | 4 per sand bed |
Disinfection | Chlorination |
Waste Water Treatment Plants: Andújar, Bailén, Mengíbar, Marmolejo, Baños de la Encina, Vva. Reina
Andújar | Biological carousel | Clarification | Sludge stabiliser | Centrifuge |
Bailén | Biological carousel | Clarification | Sludge stabiliser | Centrifuge |
Mendigíbar | Biological active sludge | Clarification | Sludge stabiliser | Centrifuge |
Marmolejo | Prolonged aeration | Clarification | Sludge stabiliser | Centrifuge |
Baños | Total oxidisation | Clarification | Sludge stabiliser | Centrifuge |
Vva.Reina | Total oxidisation | Clarification | Sludge stabiliser | Centrifuge |