The Vedadillo Experimental Area features three wind turbines by Nordex-Acciona Windpower technology, with 3MW rated capacity each. All of them are installed on 120m-high concrete tower. Two turbines have a rotor of 116m diameter whereas the other one has a 125m rotor being one of the largest swept area in the onshore wind sector.
The Area is located near the Vedadillo Wind Farm, which includes 33 Nordex-Acciona Windpower wind turbines of 1.5MW rated capacity each, with 77m rotor diameter, on 80m steel towers.
Both facilities evacuate the power output to a nearby substation which was built by ACCIONA following the typical rural architecture of the region. They produce enough clean energy to power around 44,000 households.
- Location: Falces, Navarra (Spain).
- Capacity: 9 MW / 49.5 MW
- Wind turbines: 2-AW116/3000. 1-AW125/3000. 33-AW77/1500.
- Towers: Concrete (3-120m high) and steel (33-80m high).
- Start-up: 2013 / 2005.
- Owner: ACCIONA.
- The Experimental Area is used to test new technical solutions in wind turbines.
- It includes a 125m-rotor-diameter wind turbine, one of the largest in the onshore wind sector
- Both facilities produce enough power to meet the power demand of 44,000 homes
- Rural-style substation imitating the tradicional architecture in the region
- The Spanish Wind Power Association awarded the municipality of Falces the Award for Rural Integration of Wind Power in 2015.