Development and validation of a novel strategy of nitrogen removal

The STARNIT project has as main objective to develop and validate a novel strategy of control of the biological processes of nitrogen removal of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) through employment of Free Nitrous Acid (FNA).

In this way it is achieved the elimination of nitrogen in a more sustainable way, since the new control system is characterized by lower energy consumption as well as a lower consumption of additional substrates.


The STARNIT project, that has funding from the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, is being developed in Madrid and specifically in Arroyo Culebro Cuenca Baja WWTP (Madrid, Spain) and the pilot plant Southeast WWTP (Canary Islands, Spain). The project began in October 2017 and will end in September 2020.

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