
A new bridge over the Fraser river

ACCIONA and AECON, working together in the Fraser Crossing Partners consortium, have been chosen by the province of British Columbia as the preferred contractor to design, build and partially finance the construction of the new Pattullo bridge over the Fraser River in the Vancouver metropolitan area.

The project includes the construction of the new bridge that will replace the current one, as well as the execution of road connections in its two distribution hubs to guarantee the fluidity of traffic between New Westminster and Surrey.


The new bridge will consist of four lanes (two in each direction) for cars and commercial vehicles, separated by a central reservation.

Completion of the new bridge is scheduled for 2023. Once in operation, the new Pattullo Bridge will improve traffic safety for cars, cyclists and pedestrians. The current Pattullo bridge will be removed as part of the project.


  • Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Contract type: Design, construction and finance.
  • Infrastructure: cable-stayed bridge with four lanes (2+2) and side roads for cyclists and pedestrians.


  • A safer crossing with modern lane widths to accommodate standard-sized commercial and passenger vehicles, separated by a central reservation to ensure greater safety for all bridge users.
  • Removal of existing Transit Link Pattullo Bridge.
  • Modern lane widths to increase bridge capacity by 10 % and for the safe passage of pedestrians and cyclists, separated from traffic on both sides of the new bridge.
  • Improved community connections to reduce traffic congestion in New Westminster and Surrey.
  • Separate paths for pedestrians and cyclists.

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ACCIONA selected as preferred proponent to construct the new Pattullo Bridge in British Columbia (Canada)

Corporate8 Jan 2020

The contract, through a consortium with Aecon, includes the design and construction of the bridge...

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