
equivalent households

One of the biggest wind power complexes in Latin America

Oaxaca II, III and IV represent one of the biggest wind power complexes in Latin America with 306 MW of operational capacity. They produce electricity to cover the consumption of 700,000 Mexican homes, avoiding the emission of 670,000 metric tons of CO2, equivalent to the cleaning effect of 33.5 million trees on the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis.
ACCIONA is the leader in wind power in Mexico with 556.5 MW spread across four wind farms, the three mentioned above and Eurus (250.5 MW). The company has also built a 252MW wind power complex in Nuevo Leon and a 49,5MW wind farm in Oaxaca for third parties


  • Capacity:306 MW.
  • Start-up:2011.
  • Owner: ACCIONA.


  • Wind turbine: ACCIONA Windpower AW70/1500.
  • Rotor diameter: 70 m
  • Wind class: IEC Ia
  • Tower: steel, hub height 80m.
  • Shovel: AW/Tecsis 34


  • Installation of 204 wind turbines
  • Complex consisting of three wind farms (102 MW each - Oaxaca II, Oaxaca III and Oaxaca IV)
  • 34.5 km of access roads/tracks 
  • 350 km of underground cables  
  • 49 km power transmission line (230 kV)
  • Construction on sites with very low bearing capacity, so it was necessary to apply a range of solutions for the foundations, depending on the location
  • High wind speeds meant that the assembly had to be planned in very short periods to take advantage of low wind speed ‘windows’
  • The purchasing and logistics for the supply of materials such as concrete, steel, cables and other main components was directly managed by ACCIONA.
  • Wide-ranging program of socio-economic development in the local community.

Key figures


megawatts (MW) capacity


households supplied


wind turbines


millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere avoided


million tree equivalent

Technology and innovation


We provide our customers with real-time traceability of energy from our renewable generation plants and storage systems to their points of consumption. This information is not only integrated in an interface that our customers can use to visualize or download the data or display dynamically in their facilities as a marketing tool, but it is also recorded in blockchain to increase transparency.  The I'MNOVATION Startups program was the umbrella under which the first pilot for this solution was developed.


Turbine for life

Project that contributes to increasing the useful life of wind turbines, to knowing the state of the fleet and to detecting abnormal behaviour in order to optimise the management and the costs of operation and maintenance of the assets. For the analysis of the remaining life of the structural components, work is being done on developing physical models. To predict failures in Acciona's wind turbine fleet, work is being done along two lines: the development of WindBrain® to detect abnormal behaviour, and the use of Machine Learning to identify failure patterns in wind components.


We have increased the flexibility of CER (Certified Emission Reductions) sales processes by participating in a "Marketplace" called ClimateTrade, developed by the Valencian startup Climate Blockchain Initiatives, which puts CER generators such as ACCIONA in touch with polluting companies and other clients interested in offsetting their carbon footprint, greatly speeding up the procedures necessary for the sale of these certificates.


By automatically detecting storms and generating warnings with the THOR tool, we increase the safety of our employees in ACCIONA's facilities and protect the state of the assets from electrical storms and their consequences.