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Efficient and reliable movement NSW, Australia See on Google Maps
ACCIONA was awarded the contract to upgrade the Belford to Golden Highway section of the new England Highway.

The project requires ACCIONA to provide two travel lanes in each direction on the New England Highway and a flyover for vehicles turning right from the Golden Highway towards Maitland and Newcastle.

As part of the project, ACCIONA will also build a roundabout on the Golden Highway with a connection to the New England Highway -providing safer access to adjoining properties- and a new 30-meter-long, three-span bridge over Mudies Creek, designed to withstand possible flooding.

The project awarded to ACCIONA, is part of a $97 million project funded by the New South Wales government.


  • Location: Hunter Region, New South Wales.
  • Contract type: Construction.
  • Infrastructure: 3.4 km of road.
  • Year of project completion: 2023


  • Widening the New England Highway to provide a divided road with two lanes in each direction between Belford and the Golden Highway.
  • Replacing the existing right turn movement from the Golden Highway to the New England Highway with a flyover.
  • A roundabout on the Golden Highway with a connection to the New England Highway improves safety for motorists turning left onto the New England Highway towards Singleton and provides safer access to adjoining properties.


  • Increase capacity and connectivity of the New England Highway and Golden Highway for the efficient and reliable movement of freight.
  • Improve safety at the New England Highway and Golden Highway intersection by reducing the risk of crashes, particularly for motorists turning right from the Golden Highway.
  • Increase capacity at the New England Highway and Golden Highway intersection to cater for the predicted increase in traffic movements due to future growth in the Hunter.
  • Allow for access to existing and future adjoining land uses.
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