Adaptation strategies for major EU industries

Integrated inter-sector framework to increase the thermal resilience of European workers in the context of global warming

The HEAT-SHIELD project addresses the negative impacts of workplace heat stress on the health and productivity of the EU workforce.


We are analysing the impact of increasing heat levels in certain work situations due to climate change during this century and the effects of climate change mitigation on occupational health and productivity.


We will provide adaptation strategies for major EU industries: manufacturing, construction, transportation, tourism, and agriculture. Together, these industries represent 40% of the EU GDP and 50% of its workforce.

Milestones to achieve

HEAT-SHIELD will produce a series of state-of-the-art innovation outcomes including:

  • Assessment report on the current occupational health risks due to workplace heat, as well as the likely increasing problems in certain jobs due to climate change;
  • Development of appropriate technical and biophysical solutions to counter the heat-induced risk to workers’ health for key European industries;
  • Development of an online open access service anticipating and warning for events that may pose a threat to workers’ health;
  • Dissemination of guidelines aimed at protecting workers’ health, well-being, and productivity among relevant stakeholders;
  • Assessment of formulated guidelines’ effects concerning their health, economic and social benefits and their impact on reducing health and social inequalities.


01/01/2016 - 31/12/2020 (60 months)

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