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Post-earthquake humanitarian aid Kerala, India See on Google Maps
Due to the massive floods of August 2018 in the state of Kerala and Karnataka, ACCIONA contributed with financial resources with the objective of helping the most affected villages around the Tupadahalli wind farm.

Tuppadahalli wind farm, situated in the state of Karnataka, is in operation since 2011. Since 2017, the Energy division of ACCIONA has a collaboration agreement with the NGO Child Fund India to implement the Corporate Social Responsibility policy in the country by which 0,2% of the profits obtained from the activity of the wind farm must be addressed to social actions.


Due to the massive floods of August 2018 in the state of Kerala and Karnataka, ACCIONA contributed with financial resources with the objective of helping the most affected villages around the Tupadahalli wind farm. 1.45 millions of people were moved and relocated in more than 5.645 camps. A total of 981 villages were affected.


With the help of ACCIONA, Child Fund India provided humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable families and children in the districts of Wayanad in Kerala and Kodagu in Karnataka.

The financial support helped Child Fund India to reach 135 families, approximately 555 people from the population, providing different kitsto each of them:

  • 1 hygiene Kit: shampoo, towel, tooth paste, tooth brushes, sanitary towel for adult women, sanitary napkins for adolescent girls, comb kit, washing powder, bathing cum handwashing soap, water purification tablets, candles, plastic bucket, plastic mug, plastic jug, jerry can with lid,zipper bag. 
  • 1 mosquito net
  • 1 household utensil kit: cooking utensilset, plates, glasses,spoons.

Before proceeding with the distribution of the kits, Child Fund India carried out a study to select the most affected beneficiaries within all the affected areas. Due to heavy rains, the distribution in Kodagu was affected, being able to help a smaller number of families.

With these actions, ACCIONA reflects its commitment to the communities in which it operates, trying to improve its well-being and minimizing negative impacts.

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