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We improve Caprabo's energy consumption efficeny Cataluña, Spain See on Google Maps
Energy management, cleaning, maintenance and last-mile services in Caprabo Group supermarkets.

ACCIONA is the energy efficiency manager for a large part of its supermarket chain. It collaborates with the customer to identify reforms to be carried out at its centres that improve the energy efficiency of consumer equipment: heating and cooling systems, positive and negative cold production, lighting systems, refrigeration cabinets, etc.


In addition, from the Control Center of Renewable Energy (CECOER), ACCIONA controls the energy consumption of the CAPRABO Group's centres in real time, contributing to improving the efficient use of energy.


ACCIONA also provides cleaning, maintenance and last-mile services in some of the chain's supermarkets, using electric vehicles for travel.


  • Client: Caprabo
  • Location: Catalonia, Spain
  • Services: energy, cleaning, maintenance and last-mile services.
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