The most humane commitment


For ACCIONA, preventing occupational risks is extremely important and constitutes an essential requirement for ensuring the health and safety of our professionals and collaborators.

We work hard to prevent occupational risks based on a specific strategy and action plan. The aim of the plan is:

  • to comply with legal requirements
  • to train, educate and raise awareness of duties and responsibilities
  • to engage the entire organization in regulation compliance
The culture of prevention has dominated the company's initiatives to ensure the health and safety of its employees as well as the supply chain.

All of our businesses include training and awareness-raising programmes in their annual plan, in addition to the required occupational risk prevention training.

Proof of this can be found in ACCIONA's certifications and the remarkable reduction in the company's accident rates.



Physical and emotional well-being is basic to a healthy and happy life. ACCIONA offers its professionals various initiatives and facilities to make this possible.

In addition to monitoring workers' health through medical check-ups, it also runs campaigns for the prevention and early detection of illnesses. In this line, it reaches agreements with private health companies to offer services with very competitive characteristics for our people.

ACCIONA also offers a face-to-face and online nutritionist service for preparing and monitoring diets and has agreements with gyms on advantageous terms for employees.



People's satisfaction and commitment are key attributes of the relationship model that ACCIONA aspires to achieve with its employees.

To this end, the company conducts a global survey following the Kincentric methodology, with the aim of finding out the level of commitment and degree of involvement of the people who make up its team.

In the latest 2023 survey, ACCIONA's global employee engagement was of 73%

Safety in all areas

Available to the industry


We actively promote the achievement of a risk-free working environment in our sector

At ACCIONA we understand that our responsibility is not only to ensure the safety and health of our employees and subcontractors, but also to actively promote the achievement of a risk-free work environment in our sector.

For this reason, we make public here a repertoire of safety alerts that reflect experiences of incidents suffered in our company and the conclusions derived therefrom, so that anyone can learn or draw conclusions from them. This portfolio will increase periodically. We are pleased to share the lessons learned as a result of incidents or situations of risk that may be of interest to workers in the sector where ACCIONA operates.

    Our commitment with people, an acknowledged value

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