Our foundation: acciona.org Initiatives we support Our strategy Sustainable Development Goals Climate emergency Social development Sustainability indices Sustainable Development Alliances Technology and innovation centres Open and collaborative innovation Digital hub Innovation projects Job offers Graduates and internships Diversity, equity and inclusion Safety, health and well-being Training Selection process Energy Transport Water Social Cities Real Estate Financial Integrated annual reports Annual accounts Results, reports & presentations Average period of payment to suppliers Ratings Share price Dividends Analyst opinions Investor calendar General Shareholders' Meeting Board of Directors and Committees Management team Share capital Annual Corporate Governance Report Director remuneration Governance rules and compliance Framework Agreement CNMV Communications Sustainable finance

We aim to maintain leadership from within, supported by the commitment of our team and the company’s governing bodies. Our focus will be on four main areas:

KEY DRIVERS OF TRANSFORMATION Redefine the company’s purpose, promise, and principles in a new Code of Conduct. Promote regenerative innovation initiatives, particularly those focusing on net-zero and the social component. Analyse the company’s adaptation to become a B-Corporation. Extend the functions of the Board’s Sustainability Committee to oversee internal control of non-financial reporting systems and compliance with ESG policies. Review due diligence practices when executing “No-Go” policies.
PRINCIPAL Objectives Employees: Increase employee satisfaction and engagement year-on-year. Talent: Be recognised as the employer of choice for young professionals in our key markets. Clients: Be regarded as one of the top 5 companies contributing to sustainable development in our key markets.

We share the same values and work for the same purpose in every workplace.


Our commitment is authentic, known, and embraced by the people of ACCIONA. Our employees are proud to work for the company, satisfying their need to contribute and use their knowledge to improve the lives of the communities they work in.

Code of Conduct Customers Engagement & sustainability global barometer 2022

We will develop distinctive, innovative, and regenerative value in the company’s core solutions.


Our innovation strategy is evolving to connect with ACCIONA’s regenerative purpose, making sustainability a key focus of our innovation efforts.



ACCIONA’s Board will continue to lead this drive and oversee fulfilment of the company’s purpose.


Our governance and management systems will evolve to incorporate mechanisms that advance the company’s purpose authentically, assume new responsibilities, update incentive systems, and lead by example.

Corporate Governance Contributions to foundations and non-profit organisations ACCIONA's tax strategy (Spanish only)

We will submit to constant scrutiny.


We are committed to creating spaces where we can debate the complex challenges and decisions facing both business and society, addressing the challenges to the credibility of our promise in the marketplace, and driving truth and trust.

Dialogue and sustainable leadership Value Chain