Sustainability permeates every idea, decision, process, and project that defines ACCIONA as a global leader in promoting sustainable development and addressing the climate emergency.
We support a sustainable business model that drives economic growth, social progress, and environmental balance, with the goal of improving the lives of current and future generations.
To achieve this, we design solutions to tackle the major global challenges humanity faces: decarbonising the energy system, addressing the climate emergency, resolving water and sanitation shortages, creating resilient infrastructures, and developing more sustainable cities.
Thanks to our renewable energy projects around the world, we manage to avoid the emission of millions of tons of CO₂
How do we calculate using the emissions counter? The total CO₂ emissions avoided over a period is calculated by summing the emissions avoided in each country where ACCIONA generates renewable electricity, based on the specific emission factor of each country.
The impacts of climate change are increasingly visible in our food systems: production is faltering, and the costs of staples like coffee and chocolate are rising.
An agreement has been reached, which is good news, but ambition on decarbonization remains lacking, and financing commitments fall short of expectations. Here’s a recap of COP29.
Can we transform our cities into safer spaces for communities in the face of climate change? Mozambique demonstrates that resilient infrastructure can indeed make a difference.
Our commitment to achieving universal access to basic services led us to create the Foundation a decade ago. This platform enables us to reach isolated communities worldwide, providing them with sustainable and modern services like electricity, safe water, and infrastructure.