Marta is a professional engineer with over 17 years of experience in photovoltaic (PV) solar technology at ACCIONA. She studied Agricultural Engineering, holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Science, and is certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP®) by the Project Management Institute (PMI). She completed her studies by collaborating with an NGO in a disadvantaged area of the Peruvian Andes on a global project focused on agriculture, livestock, and health with the shared goal of addressing the growing issue of child malnutrition in the region.
Marta has built her career working in various departments, including Business Development and Engineering & Construction. Over the last 10 years, she has dedicated herself to the Energy Resources Department, conducting energy assessments and designing optimized photovoltaic plants worldwide. Her work involves staying up to date with cutting-edge technology and assessing potential meteorological risks in different regions (floods, hurricanes, etc.). She strongly believes in renewable energy and its responsible use.
Currently, Marta analyzes both Utility Scale plants and distributed generation systems (on- and off-grid), as well as hybrid plants, which simultaneously use multiple renewable resources (wind, solar, hydro, storage, green hydrogen, etc.).