Our projects in North America

Offering solutions since 2000

ACCIONA started operations in Canada in 2000 to execute one of the country's most iconic hydraulic projects, the Deep Lake Water Cooling in Toronto. ACCIONA has sales offices in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. The head office is located in the city of Vancouver, in the province of British Columbia.

The United States represents one of ACCIONA's largest investments in renewable energy. The company has nine wind farms in six states in the US. In solar thermal power, it has owned and operated the 64 MW Nevada Solar One plant since June 2007. ACCIONA is also present in the US carrying out desalination activities.

Cifras destacadas


millon euros in revenues


GWh of energy produced


hm³ of water treated for customers


millon euros invested in R&D&i


thousands of tonnes of CO2 EMISSIONS AVOIDED



Our flagship projects in North America

Our projects in North America