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The HADES project will develop a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Digital Twin, based on biokinetic and hydrodynamic modeling on different platforms. Such Twin will interact with artificial intelligence tools and advanced control strategies.

The ultimate goal is to optimize the operation of WWTPs with modern multivariable advanced control techniques that will change the reactive operation paradigm, common in most WWTPs, in a proactive approach that will provide treatment facilities with efficiency and long-term stability.

HADES will integrate internal and external plant data, expert knowledge, and real-time calibrated models in a digital twin solution, that is, a virtual replica of the WWTP processes. As a result, HADES will help to optimize the treatment processes to prevent future undesired events such as deflocculation, formation of biofoams, filamentous swelling, etc., guaranteeing a significant reduction in the energy used, an improvement in the quality of the effluents and/or a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. It will also make it possible to carry out detailed monitoring of the treatment processes, including a virtual sensor functionality to ascertain operational parameters difficult to be monitored online in a conventional WWTP.

ACCIONA, project coordinator, counts with the support of LEQUIA-UdG as a strategic partner. LEQUIA is a research group from the University of Girona with extensive experience in the development of modeling tools and decision support systems for the water sector.

This publication is part of the HADES project (Code: CPP2021-009097), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union-NextGenerationEU/PRTR 

With the support of the Industrial Doctorate Plan of the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat of Catalonia

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